Take Advantage of the Benefits You’ve Earned
Service members and veterans deserve access to high-quality, postsecondary education. It eases the transition into civilian life and ensures lifelong economic and social benefits. Today’s GI Bill is designed to help you make the most of your education benefits by providing clear yet comprehensive guidance.
Your Guide to Today's GI Bill: Where Do I stand?

Thinking about higher education
Not sure if I'm eligible
Wondering how to get benefits
Ready for the next step
Success Stories
Javier Centonzio
Gulfport, FLI wanted to get through my undergraduate degree with the highest GPA possible, in order to be accepted to law school. I also wanted to immerse myself in different perspectives and opinions, in order to become a more well-rounded person.
All Success Stories >"Tuition and fees at the institution of my choice exceed standard Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. Am I entitled to additional benefits?"
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College life can challenge veterans
As veterans transition from the structured, mission-driven culture of the military to the unstructured, sometimes frivolous atmosphere of college life, they encounter many obstacles. And schools are responding in various ways. Among these include establishing veterans service offices and training college counselors to successfully aid veterans. However, veterans’ largest impediment in adjusting to college life is moving beyond their reluctance to seek help, a trait embedded in military culture. READ MORE
National roll call for fallen service members
Eastern Kentucky University’s Vetarans Affairs department is leading a nationwide effort to remember veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice. After a grass roots effort started at EKU, 183 campuses across the country are reading the names of more than 6,000 casualties of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedomon Veterans Day. READ MORE
Grammarly Veterans Coupon
Grammarly the only tool you need if you write anything online is now offering discount for Veterans. If you'r Veteran you can claim Grammarly for 30% Discount for youself or for your kinds.